Firstly, Thank you Duane for the time you take to monitor these forums.

We are about to replace our 3 year old Costco Abbyson sectional (horribly cheap leather, vinyl peeling everywhere) and are looking to upgrade to a nicer piece of furniture. We had considered the Flexsteel Lattitudes line (yes.. I know.. don't worry) It did sit nice, but we know it would be another Abbyson. So we have been looking at King Hickory (it is what one of the "nicer" furniture stores in Kansas City was pushing).

I have no problem purchasing from a distance and would like to know how best to proceed to get some advice and pricing from you. We are looking at a Fabric and Leather combination sectional with @20-21" seating depth, firm detached cushions, seating 6 comfortably, and with a center wedge. The sofa would ideally match. The local store has a"20%" off sale till July 4th. Their sale prices for King Hickory Bentley Series 4400 were as follows LAF/RAF One Arm Loveseat: $2052, Wedge: $1655. Fabric alone prices were: LAF/RAF Loveseat and Wedge: $1428 each. We have not yet priced the sofa.


Steve B.