I have to say this is the most helpful blog I have ever read regarding furniture and leather education. I have spent the last two weeks reading through the blogs and learned SO MUCH!!! Thank you all!

My question is...I am looking for a protected leather (I have 3 dogs and my family is super hard on furniture - enough said). I have read that the Antelope and Aspen leathers are the readers favorites and so those are the leather "Families" that I am studying. I am looking for a leather to cover the H&M Ruby Club sofa. I really like the antelope almond, nugget and chino options, but I am trying to find an image of a piece that was done in aspen tobacco to make my choice. Would you please post an image of a piece of furniture that was covered in aspen tobacco?

Please educate... Do you suggest a timeless brown "protected" leather option that has that beautiful pebble dimension?
I have been saving for years to purchase the perfect piece of furniture that will fit the life style of my family, I would LOVE your advice.

Any help would be much appreciated