H&M leather. Oh my...the choices. I have read and read post after post about leather in this forum. I am a complete novice when it comes to leather but I think I know is what I don't like. First, I don't like leather with high elasticity that will sag significantly over time such as back cushions looking droopy and puddles on the seat cushions. (Duane, you had picture of your sofa that you have had for years and the leather looked fantastic...was still relatively tight...do you know what leather?) Second, leather that will squeak/noisy. Third, leather that is hard, not very pliable Fourth, leather that is shiny, over processed, fake looking. If I spend thousands of dollars on a sofa I want to know that i am sitting on "real" leather.

Here is what i have gathered by reading the posts so please correct me if wrong.
1) Gr1 & 2 seem to be dominated by sanded, highly processed, protected leather with the two best being Columbia and Cavalier. Are there any in this category that is Aniline dyed, pliable, tight, and natural looking? Columbia and/or Cavalier?
GR3- the most recommended leathers seems to be aniline, pull-up leathers with a burnished finish? I am not sure if any of the leathers fit my characteristics in this category? Are the pull-up and burnished leathers squeaky and prone to sagging? I like the look of burnished but when it ages will I like it? Is it prone to have greasy looking spots from the wax and/or human oils? Do either of the Weston or Tiburon work? One better?
3) Gr4- Seems like Capri/Quintessence would be the holy grail for my tastes but not sure if it works into the budget? Is there a "poor mans" Capri/Quintessence?...from S. America or China? My business acumen has me believe there has to be a similar leather out of S. America/China but cheaper due to everything being more expensive in Europe (ie land, grain etc). I understand the geographical aspect of no fence/bug scars , but I can live with some scaring as long as I get the pure aniline, soft elegance of a Capri for the price of a Gr2 or Gr3.

I know I need to request some samples but since I have a narrow scope, i want to limit resources and people time as much as possible.

I know you cannot post prices but as a "ballpark figure" what is the price differences between each leather grade for a H&M sofa(excluding the T&C promo)?

Thanks so much!