Took today off to move my daughter into college at James Madison University (the whole family went) and that's why I've not answered any PM's or emails today because of that.....will get on them tomorrow when back in the store.

Stopped by one of the largest furniture stores on the way back home, Greenfront in Manassas, VA. A huge operation, with millions of dollars of inventory and I was shocked that I was the only customer in the store - and the only car in the parking lot. Lots of employees around, but it was so empty of people I thought the store was closed.

I'm amazed at how they display their goods. Furniture - much of it expensive - is just shoved into every available spot with no attempt to 'present' it. I spent nearly two hours in the place, carefully looking over the brands and construction. From what they carry, the Hancock and Moore, along with Southwood and Taylor King easily stands out. You can see the quality from ten feet away. I already carry H&M and Southwood, and decided today to pick up the Taylor King line as well. Its' well-made, and I like the way every piece sits that I tried out.

Two brands I thought would show better are Century and Sherrill. I was a bit disappointed in both. Covers were marginal, and comfort was mediocre to poor on many pieces. Workmanship was unimpressive. Another brand they had a lot of pieces with was Motioncraft, and it was equally unimpressive. The Seven Seas collection from B-Y was absolutely horrid, as i remembered it..

I saw a lot of furniture with "Made in Vietnam" on it. Guess its my generation (Class of '72), but I've got friend's names on that wall downtown in DC that died over there and I just cannot sell that, no matter how good the value may be.

OK, I've got a negative on H&M based on a piece I saw on their floor. They had a Hancock and Moore recliner there in Equestrian leather (Grade 3), and it was hugely noisy at even the slightest movement. Squeaky from friction on the motion furniture and it would drive me from today on I'm going to suggest everyone NOT use Equestrian on motion furniture unless they can tolerate the constant squeaking of the leather.