I have a room that I want to put an L-shaped sectional in. The dimensions of the L, are 96" x 148". The short side just about requires a 90° corner rather than a wedge, which limits the sectional options. A local interior designer has recommended the Motioncraft 9000 series for us as it has a lot of pieces to be able to customize it to our room.

Our goals for the room are:

Some reclining pieces
Fairly firm cushions with good lumbar support
Tall enough to support your head (We are both 5' 11" tall)

Do you have any experience with Motioncraft and what do you think of their products?

As we are shopping, most couches seem too soft for us. Motioncraft has 3 cushion options, a standard urethane foam core wrapped with poly fiber, an ultra-plush which includes a down layer and a spring pluch cushion that has springs wrapped in foam, wrapped in poly fiber. Do you have any experience with these options to make a recommendation?

Thanks for any insight you may have.