We recently got rid of an older cochrane fabric love seat that was shot after 10 years. We have owned a sectional leather couch from Legacy Leather Inc (Mason collection) that is Analine leather for a few years. It seems like a nice couch, however I have a few questions.

We have a buch of little kids now that we did not have when we bought the inital furniture. We are more aware now of the materials that are used in our clothing, bedding, furniture, etc. We would like more non-toxic, natural materials.

My wife would like to replace the love seat with a recliner. I know, that sort of caught me off guard too. I looked at the materials label on the Legacy sectional that we already own and it says:

- Polyester (which I assume is in the seat back cushions)
- Polyurethane (Which I assume is in the seats)
- Reclaimed fibers (Have no clue what these are. How is this legal?)

The label says the couch was made in Canada.

I have found a lot of people on internet forums reporting that they are getting skin rashes, respiratory problems and other ailments from leather furniture that has the tanned hides sourced from China. How is a guy supposed to know if the couch he buys today has been tanned with substances that will not make his family sick?

We were thinking of buying a recliner from Legacy, but now we are not so sure we can trust leather items anymore. Is there any way to make sure we don't get something toxic? Is Legacy a reputable company that I don't need to worry about? Is leather safe to let kids play on? Is it safe for us?

I would like to know from those here that are experienced in this market if we can trust companies like Legacy, Palliser, etc? I believe Legacy to be a mid-level company (quality wise) in the leather furniture business. Do you think their current products could contain leather that could cause similar health problems?

Do some furniture companies use other padding materials like cotton or wool for seat backs and Natural latex foam for seat cushions? I see on Legacy's website they are now stating they use synthetic foam sourced from soybean oil. Is there a reason other than cost that we don't see more natural materials in our furniture? I would think natural latex foam from the rubber tree would be best.

Please help direct me towards a company that cares about the health of their customers while at the same time making a quality product. It seems so many companies now care only about price and have no regard for the health of their customers or what happens to the item when it has lived it's useful life.
