For any of you guys that own these pieces, I have a question.
I sat in a city sofa and city chair yesterday, and I have a problem, in that I need the cushions to be a smidge shorter.I am 5'6". The city chair was too high, too, I felt like a little girl. I sat in a Journey chair--perfect, but, I failed to get what type of leather was covering it. I also sat on a Sherrill sofa and the height was 18"--that one fit me better, since my feet were flat on the floor.
My question is, if I change leather from the Cavalier to Document, will the seat cushions be more forgiving, so I will sink more into the sofa/chair? or, perhaps, will the cushions flatten out a bit? I only weigh 120 lbs., so I felt like I was just perching on the chair, especially.
Thank you.