I read your primer on leather which was very helpful. But it seemed to contradict what I had read on Bradington-Young's website about choosing the right leather. That led me to believe that given my lifestyle (rather careless) and the fact that I have 2 cats, I should settle for a protected leather. Arfer reading your primer, I'm not so sure.

I will be eating and drinking in my recliner, which means that I am bound to have some spills. I've never been terribly diligent about cleaning them up right away, but then, I have never spent $2500 for a recliner! I expect I will be a lot more careful. Still, there will be spills from time to time.

The cat issue -- they do not scratch my leather sofa directly. But when they launch themselves from the sofa to anywhere else, their back claws do make scratches. My sofa is navy leather, and each scratch shows up almost white. I hate this, and I want to avoid it in my new recliner.

Sunlight is not an issue. My living room has only one frosted window pane in the door, and the only other window that gives light to the living room is in the dining room, and the shades are almost always closed -- night and day.

But given the fact that I will be eating and drinking (and occasionally spilling) in the recliner, and that the cats will have access to the chair any time I am not in it,mw hat do you recommend?