Congratulations Duane it was this time of year in 1996 that my doctor called me on the phone at work and said without any hesitation you have breast cancer talk about a blow what a bed side manner, mind you I had a good idea that is what I had from the mass I had found but I had not even discussed this with him went to have mammogram because I had found it and had the results sent to him. Well long story short I sought out another doctor and am still ticking. Chemo sucks, surgery isn't fun and radiation is a pain but I guess the end result is I now have 2 beautiful grand daughters that I get to spend time with that I might not have otherwise had I taken other routes my mom always tells me everything happens for a reason guess I was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time. On a not to happy note my daughter was just diagnosed with Lupus she has been sick since November so at least now we know what she has and a plan of attack I keep tellling if I could beat infiltrating ductal carcinoma that had spread to my lymp nodes she can beat this too it just takes time. Anyway just happened upon this thread it is amazing how many people cancer has touched out there. Thanks Duane for all of your help.