I chose Hancock and Moore because of the construction and wrongly assumed that the leather would be as durable as the framework. Another wrong assumption was that while an $8000 is not top of the line, neither is it cheap. It would have been helpful if the salesperson had at least given some input on grades and types of leather. I did my homework on all but the leather. Too bad for me!

When I called the salesperson about the color rubbing off the cushion cording, she must have known that the leather finish was probably the problem. Later, when I spoke to the customer service rep at Hancock and Moore after writing and mailing photos, she was neither courteous nor helpful, and she had to have been aware of the number of problems with this style and leather.

Thanks for being the only help I have had thus far. I have found a restorer 150 miles away, but he does not know if he can travel this far. At the very least, there will be an additional $500 just to come and determine if he can help. I will continue to search.