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Thread: Snow!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Snow!

    We got walloped with snow here in the Wash DC area this weekend. I didn't even try to open the store on Saturday. 19" in my driveway at 4 p.m. on Saturday when I broke out my big Troy-Bilt snowblower. I have a very long and large driveway , so it took some time to clear it. The snow was actually over the top of the throat of my 2-stage 10 HP blower. That's a LOT of snow and you can't take big bites of it when its that deep.

    Today I knew I had to go clear out my elderly parents driveway about 2 miles away. Loaded up the snowblower in my wife's SUV with my son and we headed over, slipping and sliding all the way. Secondary roads are not cleared yet, and most were very icy.

    Unloaded the snow blower and fired it up. Made pretty short work of their driveway, its only 50' to the street. at their house. All their neighbors were shoveling out in pure misery. They had the typical $ 8.99 Wal-Mart snow shovels and against 20" of deep snow that's an arduous task. As we got near the end of doing my parents driveway, the neighbors started lining up asking for help. ARGH!!! I was tired. What am I going to do? Load up my snowblower and go home? I stayed there another three hours doing the neighborhood, until it was almost dark. I wouldn't take any money and just said 'Merry Christmas' to everyone, and they were very grateful for the clearing help. I think a few slipped my son a few bucks, however. I came home, cleaned up and collapsed on the bed for a two hour nap. Its amazing how many new friends you can make when you have a snow clearing machine.....

    That was enough snow for the whole year for me. But its not even Winter yet! Last day of Fall we have the snow!

    I used to get some grief for buying such a big snowblower for a southern state resident. HA! No one is making fun of me for having too much equipment now.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  2. #2
    organic_smallhome Guest

    Default Re: Snow!

    Wow. 19 inches is a lot. I knew that the D.C. area got hit pretty bad, though. We didn't get as much up here in Boston. Wish we had room for a snowblower. Sounds like heaven.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    New England

    Default Re: Snow!

    19"? a mere dusting up here in the hills of western mass

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