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Thread: Power Recliner issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Power Recliner issues

    I am often asked what issues are associated with power motion recliners. Most people are surprised to know motor failure is almost never an issue....and that the motion mechanisms themselves are less prone to failure in a power unit than a manual one.

    Here's the issues I address with Power Recliners - ANY BRAND

    # 1 problem with power recliners is folks move the piece and a wire disconnects inside the wire run and they lose the power. There are four to five connect points and some are up inside the unit meaning the piece has to be placed on its back to trace the wire run.

    # 2 problem is folks don't use a surge protector to plug into and a spike can fry the transformer or switch. You protect your computer and flat screen TV, so the same with your motion furniture, surge protectors are inexpensive.

    # 3 problem is spilling drinks into the activation switch shorting it out.

    # 4 problem is abusing the mechanism and the rivets pop off - that requires replacing the entire mechanism. Rule of thumb is never get in our out of the unit with the footrest open and never let anyone sit on the footrest when extended.
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2022

    Default Re: Power Recliner issues

    I cannot agree with you more, especially with #2 and #3. I use surge protectors with almost everything and my power recliner is no exception! And the thing is, I make sure I am so careful with any drinks when using my power recliner because you are right on with shorting your activation switch out.

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