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Thread: Thanks to All in the Forum!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Thumbs up Thanks to All in the Forum!

    2008/2009 was a hard year for all in the furniture business. In fact,by February of this past year I was close to calling it quits as so many others in the furniture industry had. Fall 2008 sales were dismal, the recession was in full swing and the only way to move anything out the door was to sell it near dealer cost. There was no money left and I was DETERMINED to not go into debt to keep the doors open, nor stick it to any customers or suppliers. It was so bad that I sold off one of my two trucks to bring in some cash, and got rid of my postage meter - cut the business insurance back to bare bones, and when I needed new sales tickets I only ordered 500 instead of my usual 5,000, because I wasn't sure I was going to be around much longer. For a time, all envelopes were unprinted plain white ones - because I didn't want to spend cash on printed ones. That's LEAN.

    I got my resume going and circulated it only to find that no one wanted to hire a 54-year-old man with cancer (in remission - one more year and I'm clear) who had run his own business for the past 24 years. Not even Bloomingdale's would hire me as a store furniture salesperson when I replied to their ad.

    Usually when a furniture store goes under it dies slowly - quietly - and in layers of lies. They stop paying their suppliers, or go way over the payment terms. Eventually after racking up thousands in arrears with their suppliers they are put on 'no ship' status and their orders are not filled. They keep customer deposits as operating capital on special orders, and the lie to those folks when their order doesn't arrive on time as promised - always blaming it on the maker when in fact they know they cannot get the furniture. That was not going to be my path. I was going to close the store with honor. A man is only as good as his reputation, and mine has been pretty good in the trade over the years. I was probably a week away from shut down, the cash was running out and I was not going to get a loan. A matter of personal pride, the store had never borrowed any money and I did not want to be in a position where I might default on a loan. I told my wife our house was going on the market as well, we'd have to move to something smaller and more affordable. Anything in my basement that wasn't being used was sold on EBAY

    Then right when things seemed pretty dismal, orders from those of you here on the forum started coming in. It was a trickle, not a flood. But the trickle was enough to provide a cash flow. Then a few more came in, and some pieces sold off the floor. It was enough to make it another month. Referrals came in from a number of you here in cyberspace and more people ordered. By summer 2009 things were much better. I could actually - cautiously - buy some new inventory as long as I didn't order too much, or anything too expensive.

    Fall is make it or break it time in the furniture trade, and this past fall the orders came in steady and brisk, mostly due to those of you here on the forum that chose to purchase through The Keeping Room. I can honestly say that you folks here saved my store in 2009, and as 2010 rolls in, I'm actually thinking I may be able to hire one part-time employee to help me out and I can work a 5-day week instead of 6 days, and maybe sneak in a weeks' vacation this summer. Business is good right now and the trend has been up and increasing for the past six months.

    In the 90's I had a three trucks, two stores, a warehouse and seven employees. There was always money in the store account and the biggest problem was getting the furniture fast enough to customers. I run the place by myself now, with two part-time college kids on Saturdays to do deliveries (Kyle and Brian) and one 10-year-old diesel truck that I do the maintenance on myself. My warehouse is my garage at home when needed - the cars get pushed outside to the driveway. I unpack everything myself and do the accounting, the sales, the store design, the computer work, the ordering, the problem solving and clean the bathrooms.

    So many businesses failed in 2009, especially in this industry. Some are still failing but have not yet died off. Some stores sell too cheaply and can't make a margin, others carry too much debt load service and then there are those that refuse to change with the times and simply fade away. Like my stage IV cancer, I've survived the toughest year since 1979 when this store began. And 2010 looks like we're over the worst of things and on the way to recovery.

    Some in the trade would say I should not tell this story on a public forum, that its bad for business and would scare off future customers. "Never disclose the negative, only the positive." But I operate on 100 % honesty all the time - its the only way I know how. And without the background story how could I express how much I appreciate everyone's patronage? And its also why I give you my maximum effort in making sure you are happy with your purchase. You folks here kept my store going in 2009 and I won't forget that.

    So I wanted to take the time to say THANK YOU to all of you that made a purchase over the past year. Without you, there were be no Furniture Forum, and no Keeping Room, and I'd be delivering packages on a UPS truck somewhere instead of doing what I do best.

    Oh yeah, I'm still using stamps. Maybe the postage meter can return for 2011. And a new delivery truck would be FANTASTIC - but I have to pay cash for it. We'll see.....
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  2. #2
    Ellen Guest

    Default Re: Thanks to All in the Forum!

    I thank YOU, Duane! You are the reason that I have my beautiful "alligator" sofa from Hancock & Moore! I'm THRILLED with it and will ALWAYS turn to you for any future purchases!

    Ellen Collins

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Thanks to All in the Forum!

    Hi Ellen, your sofa arrived! EXCELLENT! Did the delivery service get there that evening when we spoke?

    You have GOT to share with us a photo of your sofa, please! I am really quite curious and interested in how it turned out since you put a very exotic leather on it. They told me at H&M that it looked fantastic, but they didn't photo it before boxing it for shipping to you.

    And its I who needs to thank you for being one of those who helped my store through 2009 with your order. Very grateful.

    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  4. #4
    artielange Guest

    Default Re: Thanks to All in the Forum!

    I am so pleased that things have really turned around for you. You have really triggered my interest in furniture design, so much so that I read the forum on a daily basis even when I am not even considering another purchase. We have so much in common beside the furniture ( German cars, cancer survivorship, Panera ) and I am pleased to consider you my cyber friend!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Alexandria VA

    Default Re: Thanks to All in the Forum!

    Hi Judy! You are SO right. We like our nice cars - whipped our cancers, and like to have some fun with furniture designs a little bolder than most dare go. Thanks for the kind words and also your business!
    Duane Collie
    Straight answers from thirty-six years in the business.
    My Private Messages are Disabled - Please ask questions here in the forum.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    New England

    Default Re: Thanks to All in the Forum!

    Happy to have been able to place an order in late 09 Duane.. can't wait until they finally arrive!

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