My recommendation is to wait until the kids are a little older, as the way I read it “stand up to potty training” means urine accidents on the unit. All fabric is porous, so that means it’s going into the underlying cushion cores. The only material you can get that is water resistant is vinyl. Anything else is going to get ruined with water/urine saturation.

All man made fabrics pill, the worst offenders are usually 100% polyesters, which usually are the least costly as well. Like the saying goes, “you get what you pay for”. I prefer blends of natural fibers with some synthetic fiber in the content O.K.

Wesley Hall makes a nice product. Save a bit and up your budget slightly and that would be a good line for you, keep an eye out for specials the store might run.

If not adverse to mail order,then the Taylor King line is excellent as well.