Hello all!

I have come to find this interesting community from my searches in trying desperately to figure out what to do. You all seem somewhat more high level than I can afford, but I figured asking couldn't hurt.

Anyways, my living room furniture is falling apart and breaking. I got the extended warranty, but as I should have guessed it has been basically useless. So, my partner and I are thinking of purchasing a new sectional piece (3 seats + chaise), as we believe this will accommodate our room best. However, we do not want to overpay for poor quality as we seem to have already done. We are specifically looking for cloth upholstery as the vinyl on our pieces is peeling (one seat and one back basically have NO vinyl left), and that has left me quite gunshy of anything vinyl or vinyl like (e.g. leather) (thank you cats/dogs).

Anyways, since we live basically paycheck to paycheck we are trying to find the best quality furniture we can at Ashley/La-Z-Boy prices. I know we won't get anywhere near H&M quality (can't seem to figure out who they are), we just don't want to beat our heads against the wall in the near future as we have with this furniture and the company we were dealing with. And that brings me to the crux of my problem.

I hear a lot that La-Z-Boy and Ashley are overpriced. Well if that is the case, what brands are in their price class but not overpriced because they bring a higher quality product?

For a reference, the sectional we were looking at with La-Z-Boy before we investigated their issues was the Collins Sectional for around $2100 for the pieces to make up the 3 seats + chaise lounger.

